Child Care Subsidy update

Last Tuesday evening, Child’s Play ELC Torquay held a parent information session for our community.

Families, where invited to learn more information about how the calculation is worked out, how your family income changes reflect the amount of subsidy that you are entitled to.

We also discussed how to calculate your activity test information, including the importance of adding in travel into your working hours! Especially for our families who are travelling to Melbourne each day for work!

Child’s Play shared information about the how to understand how many hours of care you are entitled to, as this now determines how much governmental financial support you will receive.  We also discussed how you will now be assessed per fortnight rather than weekly.

Families were informed about the introduction of the Complying Written Arrangement (CWA), which is a version of the online document which you completed via your MYGOV app. This provides a agreement between the centre and you the family to say that you have agreed to enrol your child at your chosen centre, and that you have confirmed the days you are attending, and that you have also completed formal  enrolment documents at your centre of choice.

Child’s Play ELC, would like to thank all of the families who attended and also participated in our wine and cheese offering at the conclusion of the session.

We’d also like to thank all of our wonderful families who have now transitioned over to the new system, this has certainly made our life in the office so much easier.

Julie Whitehead

Assistant Manager

Child’s Play ELC Torquay