Welcome to another year in the kindergarten room. It has been a quiet start to the year with lower numbers of children in the room, but we have been doing so much!
We have started an ice-cream store in the outdoor environment. The children have been taking turns selling and buying ice-creams, milkshakes and sundaes during play episodes in the store. The shop allows the children to explore different aspects of identity, allows them to negotiate roles and sharing behaviours with the resources in the shop.
We have added a cave to the room, based on the children’s ideas and interests. You will find that the children have turned themselves into bats and spiders to decorate the cave- there are even some glow worms. This new play space will allow us to explore cave creatures, art and cave formations.
We have introduced the idea of World Explorers for this year. Each month we will be exploring a new country from around the world. Throughout this program, we will look at artists, music, recipes, language and celebrations from the country of each month. This will allow the children to broaden their understandings about the world, they will learn about different ways of life and try new things from other cultures. This month we have started with Australia. We have had a try at some Fred Williams paintings, the children have pointed out our country on a world map and have told us the things they know about Australia.
We would love if your family has a rich cultural background if you could please share it with us. If you can spare some time to come in and teach us about your country, or bring in some music or a recipe from somewhere around the world we would greatly appreciate it!
We look forward to spending 2018 with you and your families and wish our friends who are heading off to school all the very best for their exciting transitions!