Hey Dee Ho

Do you know that Child’s Play ELC Torquay offers a music program ?

  • This program occurs each week on a set day
  • Currently the session occurs on a Thursday
  • The program is divided into 2 separate sessions one being for the younger children, and then a second session for the older children.
  • Within the program children are introduced to new songs and practice songs they have already learnt.
  • Children are actively involved by using puppets, musical instrument, and handheld resources such as character figures from the song or the story.
  • Children are encouraged to dance and move within the session which is very interactive.
  • The same teacher from Hey De Ho Music programs runs the class each week. This supports children’s participation, confidence and engagement in the program.
  • This creative program is included in your daily fee at no extra cost to you the family.


Would you like your child to be involved then please contact, the office and organise a place for your child to attend Child’s Play on a Thursday so they can join in the music program.