Working in a family-oriented childcare centre 

As an educator, there is a range of childcare centres that you could work in. Making sure you are working in the right one for you is vital to an enjoyable career.

At Child’s Play ELC, we are a family and community-oriented childcare centre offering long daycare and 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten. We are based in the Wyndham and Surf Coast communities, where we are awarded and well respected for our ability to provide high-quality childcare to every child.

What does it mean to be family-oriented and community-minded?

Being a family-oriented early learning centre, we intend to provide a cheerful and inviting environment. In turn, our curriculums are centred around our children and their role in the environment, which aligns with the Very Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) and Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). As educators, our role is to provide a positive mindset and outlook towards learning, exploring and being involved in the community.

We work in partnership with parents and guardians to assist in their child’s development. To create nurturing relationships with our families, we provide frequent communication and utilise our parent’s expertise to assist in our learning programs.

Being a part of the community is a vital part of our curriculum. We engage with many local initiatives and small businesses to provide our families with new and different experiences. We believe that this creates a greater sense of community and family within our services and our children love the incursions and excursions that are provided.

As educators, working in a family-oriented and community-minded childcare is just an extension of our values and way of life. It allows us to bring new ideas and activities to the table and celebrate our cultures together while providing our families with high-quality care.

How is it different from other types of childcare?

Our early learning centres are supportive and collaborative environments for children, parents, and staff by being family-oriented and community-minded. While we follow structured routines, it is not rigid and provides children with an opportunity to collaborate and develop confidence and independence.

Our programs are designed with the child in mind. Many research studies on early development indicate that a child’s development is integrally connected between their role models and their environment. By harnessing a child’s interests and love for learning, we can help them succeed and reach their full potential; and by developing relationships with our parents, there is an understanding of the roles we play in each child’s life.

Why Child’s Play ELC?

There are so many reasons why you should consider working in a family-oriented early learning centre. Here are a few reasons you should consider applying for the open positions at Child’s Play ELC.

1. Play-Based Pedagogies

At Child’s Play ELC, we implement two play-based pedagogies to support a child’s development through praise and exploration. These pedagogies provide educators with a collaborative environment where new ideas are accepted and considered. Instead of rigid activities, our curriculums are designed to assist children in achieving fundamental development milestones.

2. More Educators

As employers, we believe that in order to provide the highest quality care, we need to attend to every child’s needs. To fulfil this, we exceed the recommended educator-to-child-ratio in every room. This means we employ more educators and provide more opportunities for professional development to meet the demand within our childcare centres.

3. Inclusion and Collaboration

In our centres, we provide every educator with a seat at the table to suggest new ideas and engage in professional development. By doing so, we are able to celebrate a range of cultures and provide an inclusive and welcoming environment for every family, student and staff member.

Want to work in early childhood? Check out our careers page for new opportunities!