Our menus at Child’s Play are developed by our Centre Cook with contribution from management, educators, children, parents, extended family and the community. We look to recommendations from State health departments and legislation, along with the healthy diet pyramid recommended serves per day and try to cater for a high portion of these for the time your child is in our care.
We cater for children with specific dietary requirements, allergies and anaphylaxis, in full consultation with the family and recommendations in writing from your child’s medical practitioner. We also cater for cultural dietary requirements such as Halal products, vegetarian and vegan. Please discuss your child’s specific requirements with us upon enrolment.
Children also love cooking and the many learning experiences and skills it brings with it. Measuring, volume, adding, taking away, multiplying, mixing colours, textures, smells, money and change are just some of the learning topics covered through cooking. Our rooms try to incorporate a cooking experience once a week when it fits with the safe use of the kitchen. In every centre we also have veggie patches, it is important to teach children where food comes from and how it is used and processed to make the food we eat.