Our Childcare Rooms

Our Childcare Rooms

At Child’s Play, our rooms are broken down into ages and stages where children are benefiting from new challenges and new experiences. In each of our rooms, we strive to provide the best learning environments, this includes quality educators, transformative curriculums and adaptable indoor and outdoor facilities. Our facilities have at least 7 purpose built rooms designed to meet the developmental needs of every child.


Flexible Design

Our rooms are skilfully designed to match the needs of our families. We have purposefully designed them to have flexible furniture and resources to cater to changing influxes from local families. Often we will change the room design to match our children’s interests and further their development. In some of our rooms we also change up the design of part of the room to celebrate cultural holidays such as Mother’s Day, Holi and ANZAC Day.

More than a Play Space

In all of our learning environments, we create life-like play spaces to replicate the areas of the home and outside world to help children develop valuable life skills and knowledge. Children have the opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of gardens or look after resident pets at our centres.

Within our indoor environments, we use natural wooden home-style furniture and soft colour palettes to create calm environments for every child to enjoy.

Nursery Rooms

Our Nursery Rooms generally cater for children aged 6 weeks to 24 months of age. At this age, children often want to utilise their five senses to explore their environment and discover new things.  In our centres we facilitate their ability to become independent learners.

The developmental milestones your children will reach in this room include:

  • says words like ‘dada’ or ‘mama’
  • waves goodbye
  • sits without support
  • standing up by themselves with the assistance of furniture
  • shows signs of anxiety or stress if a parent goes away

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Toddler Rooms

Our Toddler rooms cater for children approximately from 18 months to 3 years of age. In these rooms, we introduce our Reggio Emilia and Kathy Walker curriculums to encourage the exploration of interests and learning through play.

The developmental milestones your children will reach in this room include:

  • Walking, Climbing, Running
  • Feeding themselves
  • Begins to cooperate in play
  • Can drink from a cup
  • Recognise themselves in mirrors
  • Knows and repeats their first name


3-Year-Old Kinder

In 3-Year-Old Kinder, children are given the opportunity to explore new ideas and concepts to help prepare them for kinder next year. Within this program, children actively choose what they want to engage with and begin to develop independent skills such as dressing themselves and making friends.

The developmental milestones your children will reach in this room include:

  • uses objects and materials to build or construct things, e.g. block towers, puzzles, clay, sand & water
  • asks many questions
  • hops, jumps and runs with ease
  • understands when someone is hurt and comforts them
  • shares, smiles and cooperates with peers
  • holds crayon/pencil etc. between thumb and first two fingers

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4-Year-Old Kinder

Our kindergarten program caters for children from 4 to 5 years old and is a government-approved 4-year-old kinder program. Our kinder program involves over 600 hours of dedicated teaching delivered each year by our qualified Kindergarten teachers preparing them for school the following year.

Our program is a unique indoor-outdoor program that is facilitated by the child’s interests and prepares them for school, socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. Within our curriculum, children will complete individual tasks, participate in long-term projects and form friendships with other children.

The developmental milestones your children will reach in this room include:

  • enjoys playing with other children
  • may have a particular friend
  • speaks in sentences and uses many different words
  • transfers weight forward to throw a ball and attempts to catch the ball with hands